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Facilitating Change through Building Trust and Truth-telling

Chapter excerpt from True Stories of a Christian Leader (16 minute read) If change is needed, why do most churches fail in their meager attempts to facilitate the change they have already recognized as needed? Good question, isn’t it? Without question, there is a substantial number of churches in the United States that need to be intentionally and strategically revitalized and renewed. I do not … Continue reading Facilitating Change through Building Trust and Truth-telling

An Undeniable Truth

AN UNDENIABLE TRUTH Rev Ed Schneider, MPTh The undeniable truth is a huge number of churches in the United States need to be intentionally and strategically revitalized and renewed. Many of our Christian churches sit right in the middle of troubled neighborhoods and troubled lives. They are placed in areas where troubled schools, troubled social issues, and troubled political realities are tangibly recognizable. The very … Continue reading An Undeniable Truth